
Are You Standing, Stepping or Leaping Forward?

By November 10, 2015 August 7th, 2018 No Comments


The first step is the crucial step. Nothing can happen without awareness, need, desire, and will. As Neil Armstrong said, “This is one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” It all started with that first intrepid step. There are timid steps, there are bold steps, and the more decisive the thought and the more bold the commitment to take the step, the more “momentum to goal” we will gain as a result of that first step. We must be aware that the first step to growth implies change.

Growth from change is essential to life. To grow, we must first find the mettle to risk ourselves. We risk ourselves when we reflect, study, internalize and then accept the costs associated with the risk. The reward is often in direct proportion to the nature and degree of risk. Once we learn the cost, we can choose to move forward and take those decisive, directed actions to win the deal, the day, the month, the year.

We must be aware that the first step to growth implies change

Know that to change and grow, you must remain deaf to the noise of naysayers and the opinions of contrarians. Work to learn of your true strengths and apply them to become distinctive in your chosen field of endeavor. Becoming distinctive is a process; it is not an event. The pursuit of excellence is a way, an elevated standard, not an occurrence. Success is not found in a suit and tie or in a position, title or measure of economic scale. Set your internal bar of performance. Seek every day to find a way, or make a way, to eclipse your previous standard. Choose not to establish your criteria for success or excellence based on the relative standard of another’s performance. Believe in yourself, the strength of your belief will provide the buoyancy of your message.

Success is not found in a suit and tie or in a position, title or measure of economic scale.

Choose not to dilute your message with the voices of self-defeat and negativity. The voice that seeks excellence echoes the tones of accomplishment; it is steadfast in the face of risk and humble in the accumulation of reward. All else is simply obstacle, noise, and distraction.

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