
Close the Circle

By February 26, 2016 August 7th, 2018 No Comments


Make this behavior a habit and you will build a standard of expectation from its consistent application.

Closing the circle is the follow-through to completion of request, task or commitment. It extends inquiry or request to realized result. For instance, if a customer makes a request, it is incumbent upon us to seek, find, or create a solution that brings closure or offers the best possible outcome (BPO) for the initiator of the request. Remember, the result or outcome is determined by the person who makes the request – the client experience is always the final arbiter of success in any business endeavor.

The professional is one who keeps the client informed even when there is no final outcome or decision achieved or rendered. It is the “call we must make before the call”. The call that alleviates anxiety – offers an update, and lets the customer know that A) we are paying attention to them B) we care and C) we are working to achieve their desired outcome. The first two are the intended consequences of customer service – the outcome will depend upon our skill and willingness to persevere to achieve the best result.

Force the action, stay involved, be willing to put forth what it takes to get the preferred result – and, please, make those calls in the dead space between request and finalization.


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