
Carnival Mirrors

By May 17, 2016 August 7th, 2018 No Comments

Some of us are inclined to create favorable conditions for others to successfully engage in the “Game of Life”. We may extend encouragement, offer guidance and perhaps direction for those we believe worthy of the opportunity. Here’s something for us to think about and then act upon when we ignite the process that brings thought to action: think about making the attempt, and then discipline yourself to follow through to create favorable conditions for the worthwhile pursuit of those endeavors in life which make you feel and experience life in its finest form.

You owe it to yourself to face your fears, see them for what they are, and watch how the shadows they cast over your life become more insignificant with each bold step you take forward.

Here’s a metaphor to help guild you: visualize those distortion mirrors in a carnival. You know the ones – you look in the mirror, and they distort your body. Shapes and sizes reflect the grotesque or the humorous, it depends on your perspective. As a child, it’s humorous. As an adult, well, we may find it more grotesque! Interesting how, as a child, we were then less fearful than we are now as adults…

That’s what fear is, it’s a distortion of reality. Remember, danger is different than fear – danger is imminent threat from man, reptile, or insect. Fear is the warning response system that helps us avoid or escape from dangerous situations. This type of fear, a protective ally, is different than the adversary of fear which is a product of our imagination and past experience. It is, to cite the well-worn acronym F.E.A.R. – “Future Experience Appearing to be Real”.

You owe it to yourself to face your fears, see them for what they are, and watch how the shadows they cast over your life become more insignificant with each bold step you take forward.

Everything in life is subject to perspective, framing and context. We give fear too much credit when we assign reality to its illusion. Illusion is nothing without the worth and weight that you assign to it. Heck, it’s just a carnival mirror! If you don’t stand in front of the mirrors, they hold no sway or power, and if you do stand in front of the mirror, remember: it’s only a trick – an illusion that appears to be real.

Now, go find the child inside of you… Laugh, and then choose one: cotton candy or candy apple!


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