
How Will You Use Your Time In 2016?

By December 31, 2015 August 7th, 2018 No Comments

The following is an excerpt from my book Always Forward! Discover the 7 Secrets of Sales Success

Until the calendar turns “Always Forward” to 2016… Here’s to a healthy, prosperous New Year!


I Shall Use My Time

The lion’s instinct is to be free. Our instinct is to fear. Fear attempts to hold us captive. We may never be free of its specter, but we can alter our future by overcoming its thrall in the present. Fear likes to remind us of the outcomes and people who fell short of our goal and disappointed us. It points to the past to provide the murky unrest of resistance in the present. It is easy to corroborate what we choose not to do today with a disappointment in our past.

People stay in jobs they can’t stand and relationships they endure. They exist; they don’t live. They fear change, resist the unknown, and resign to the discomfort of the familiar. Life goes out of them just as it did for the lion in that zoo—the flame of vitality soon turns into the flicker of despair. The flame is the spirit, the soul, the life force.

I am not advocating a rebellion against nature; rather, I am encouraging an alignment with it. For some, the comfort of familiarity is a place to flourish, where vibrancy of purpose exists. For others, comfort is accompanied by an instinctual pull, a gnawing tug that may be ignored or discounted by the distractions that disguise themselves as short-term, illusory happiness. True happiness ensues when our external representation is in alignment with our core identity. Every impulse, everything we think and do, either maintains, brings us closer, or moves us further from who we are at our very core.

Writers fear leaving the better book in their heads. Will your best possible life fill the pages of the book you author every day? The time is now to express, create, and change your life. When you change your life by continuing to evolve, you will change the lives of others. Do the work. Hone your resilience, strengthen your willpower and cultivate the persistence necessary to prevail. In the dark recesses of thought, fears will seep through the crevices of memory and extend themselves as the tendrils of future limitations. It will be darkest before the light, but when we face our fears, what will come forth is the courage, awareness, and resolve to absorb their energy and move forward to create the best possible life. Don’t fear to begin, but rather fear the future regret of failing to embark.

Until we meet again, face your fears and go “Always Forward!”


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