Company CultureMotivation


By January 25, 2016 August 7th, 2018 No Comments

As humans we are loss averse. Fear is the anticipation of a loss. Most of us move away from that which we fear instead of moving toward that which we need or want. As risk averse, we think we will lose something if we attempt to engage to obtain something. We fear the loss of that which we hold sacred – self-esteem and self-worth. We fear the disapproval of others. We fear we won’t be liked. We fear the ostracism from the group that brings attention and the light to our assumed inadequacies.

Mark Twain is noted to have said, “Courage is not lack of fear, absence of fear, but control of fear, mastery of it.” Owning our fears, addressing them with the focused ferocity that eclipses the power we cede to those fears, is what we must do to contain their limiting effect. If we do not, we run the real risk of facing, delaying the onset of a bigger fear that becomes a reality from our unwillingness to take the bold initiative by mastering the thoughts and understanding the emotion while moving forward to pursue our dreams. The bigger fear trumps the smaller fear. For example, I had a distinct and ever-present fear of disappointing those people who made my opportunity available. I knew to my core that this was my one and only shot to make it. I didn’t label fear, I just thought of the feeling as part of the challenge, the bargain, the contract for success. It fueled me; it drove me forward. I feared disappointing people, myself included, more than I feared showing up in a station wagon with an ill-fitted suit, a crooked tie (maybe a clip-on at that point), and asking those questions that would provide direction, clarity and then successful engagement.

Owning our fears, addressing them with the focused ferocity that eclipses the power we cede to those fears, is what we must do to contain their limiting effect.

Platitudes and maxims, when they match our thoughts and beliefs, can provide us with a momentary surge of renewal. A platitude is a trite statement, you read them on motivational posters, and a maxim is a law. When we read these empty, feel good statements, we shake our heads yes, print copies of the quote and use it to confirm or support an argument or position, thought or belief. This is like eating at a restaurant where the portion sizes are fifty percent less than that which is recommended for your sustenance. The presentation may wow you, the price may shock you, but in ten minutes you will be hungry again. Words that fill the pages, books or the screens of your kindle of iPad are just that, words.

Action is that stuff which happens between the spaces. Between those spaces where we assign and we cause and create the action that forges, encourages and provides the opportunity that becomes the result. The fun is in the attempt, the adrenaline is in the rush that ensues when we take bold action. In life, we can passively participate, we can observe from the sideline or we can actively engage to change the game. Changing the game will change our life and the lives of others. Changing the game creates opportunities. We can’t change the game if we don’t play. We have to put ourselves in play and overcome the fear to risk. Regret comes from hope and wish that were never executed as will and action. Opportunities create the platform for result.

Opportunities are generated from an environment that encourages growth and limits or eliminates fear. When we are free, liberated and encouraged to expand our personal franchise, we can grow our platform for success. Opportunity is visualized before it is realized – it must be seized and created from an environment that feeds the fertile mind, replenishes and renews the spirit, and makes connection with people an integral part of our mindset – a mindset that thinks next, acts now as it moves us Always Forward!


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